Over the years, we tend to forget our sunscreen, hats, and protective coverings while spending time in the sun. We may pick at our skin when we have a blemish or leave natural redness and dryness untreated. We may start to notice dark spots, stubborn scars, and other skin issues that even our favourite skincare products just can’t erase! Does this sound familiar to you 

With the new year coming up, why not consider new ways to treat yourself and show your skin some real love? One of our best-selling treatments at the Surani Clinic is Laser Genesis, a non-invasive, very effective laser treatment that is the closest thing to Hollywood red carpet-level magic! 

Laser Genesis is the ultimate secret weapon for targeting rosacea, scarring, age spots, and more, and ultimately promotes vibrant, youthful-looking skin. If you’re interested in turning back the clock on fine lines and wrinkles, as well as targeting and diffusing stubborn skin redness and sun damage, keep reading!  

What is Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis is a laser therapy treatment that gently heats the upper dermis below the surface of your skin, stimulating new collagen production. As we age, we lose the ability to produce collagen naturally, leading to uneven skin with fine lines and wrinklesLaser Genesis is so amazing because it boosts your skin’s ability to glow once again! Dilated capillaries, which are often the cause of redness and rosacea, are reduced with the laser’s heat and our team’s expertise in conducting this procedure. This laser treatment is used mostly on the face and neck but can also target recent scars on other areas of the body.    

The Main Benefits of Laser Genesis  

–           Targets and diffuses redness and rosacea  

–           Effectively fades acne scarring and pigmentation from the acne scars.

–           Significantly reduces the appearance of fine lines 

–           Addresses the look of sun damage  

–           Stimulates new collagen production  


Before Your Appointment

All we ask is that you remove makeup or moisturizers before your appointment so that there is no barrier between our laser and your skin. We may also ask that you shave the treatment area. There is no special gel, anesthetic products, or ice required before your Laser Genesis treatment. 

During Your Appointment

You will feel a gentle warming sensation in the treatment areas during the procedure. Unlike invasive treatments, Laser Genesis has been described by our clients as therapeutic and even relaxing!  

After Laser Genesis  

Laser Genesis calls for absolutely no downtime after the treatment, meaning that you can quickly return to your day-to-day activities (wearing sunscreen, of course)!  

You will see effective results after just one treatment; however, we recommend between four to six treatments for a more dramatic skin transformation.  

We look forward to helping you achieve your healthiest, most vibrant skin ever with Laser Genesis!

Are you interested in a free consultation? Visit our website and Contact us today to find out if you are a good candidate for Laser Genesis skin therapy!  

The Surani Clinic is the best spot for Laser Genesis  procedures in Toronto and has loyal, satisfied clients from North York, East York, Leaside, and more. 

Checkout our Facebook and Instagram page for the latest news.